Life GPS: Goal Plan Sacrifice

Appearance at "The Black Man Can Institute"

40 Under 40 Awards Ceremony

Project Sun Toronto, Canada

Oakland A's Matt Hillsinger 

Feature Profile Fit Figures magazine

"As an entrepreneur The Life GPS really helped me and gave me insight on taking action and what it takes to reach goals. A lot of us want to reach our goals but we don't plan well or are not willing to sacrifice. The Life GPS is a very good tool for understanding what it takes to "make it." I myself was stuck in the planning stage of my clothing line High Off Content Clothing. I kept telling myself to hold off on ordering products so that i could make sure everything was planned out right. It wasn't until i read The Life GPS that i realized it is possible to "plan too much." Once i finished the book i immediately went out and got the supplies i needed to make my own shirts and take action towards reaching my goal."
-Brian Jones, College Student

Appearance at Maret School

"Contemplative piece of work. Beneficial in establishing goals."

-Bishop N.A. Coles
Washington DC

"Thought provoking, encouraging and timely in the fast paced world we live in. Sets you along the path of setting goals and sticking to them." 
-Deshanta Davis, Realtor

"As a Financial Planner, I completely identify with this book. Every success story I have been introduced to starts with a dream, then a plan that includes sacrifice and action. Well done Mr. Kinard!" 
-LaMont Baxter, Financial Planner (KG1 Consulting)
Washington DC

"Chapter 3 jolted me back to a time in my life when I wasn't worried about opportunity costs and was focused on doing what I needed to do to experience life's full breath of opportunities." 
-Kadriene Sylvan, Client Financial Manager 
Washington, DC

"I felt like he was speaking directly to me. The best part was the action guide. I can't wait to complete it." 
-Charles Reed, Client Financial Management Analyst
Jersey City, NJ

"Sacrifice is an important part of becoming a Superwoman or superman. Find your way with Life GPS."
-Vicki Irvin, Business Coach/Speaker/Author: "The Superwoman Lifestyle Blueprint"

"After reading The Life GPS I fully comprehend the philosophy of reaching your goals at the full potential by having the willingness to sacrifice the minor things. Incorporating the simple steps that the book provides will only improve your progress toward success."
-Brandon A. Baylor, Sportscaster
Philadelphia, Pa

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